When color photos came into the trend, black and white photography lost its charm. However, the situation changed shortly. Monochromatic pictures ultimately reemerged; more strongly than ever. This happened because in many instances black and white photographs were more captivating.
Sometimes color can be distracting, thus audience cannot connect with the emotions. This problem is sorted by the color pictures.
Here I have listed few tips for creating mesmerizing black and white photography.
Right equipment:
Right gear is always vital in snapping a great picture. You can click pictures using your phone also since a number of phones nowadays have great picture quality. Choosing a camera is a personal choice so it’s difficult to say which equipment will be right for you. So, find a camera which fulfills your need. You will need a high-end camera if you are planning to be a professional photographer.
Light is important:
You have to keep in mind that few things make a big impact on the quality of a picture and light is one of them. Find and understand the light. If you want to work in a natural light, patience is most. It may take time for the elements to align perfectly. When you think the time is perfect for a shot, don’t stop in one picture. The ideal time to click pictures is early morning and late afternoon. Don’t take pictures when the sun is brightest.
The Brighter the White, the Deeper the Black:
This is one of the major rules that should be followed if you want to get that perfect shot. In order to make the lighter color look brighter, you need to deepen the dark shade.
Pay attention to shapes, shadows, and line:
It is quite helpful in pre-visualizing the photographs. If you have a clear vision, no one can stop you from taking a perfect picture.
Find a wide range of grays:
A black and white picture will look lifeless if there are no tones of grays. Throw shadows and highlights over few areas of the picture to attain gray hues. You can use flash for this.
Use Filters:
You need to learn how to use filters and understand how it works. You will have to practice a lot if you want a perfect result.
Suitable Subject:
You should know how to choose a right subject. Not all pictures look beautiful in black and white color. Rustic things such as old fences can be an ideal subject for this kind of photography.
Try to build a connection with your audience:
Your audience should feel something while looking at your picture. Find the view that is more authentic and alive.
No matter how much you learn, if you do not practice you will never be able to take a perfect picture. Practice is a key. Click pictures every day. If you want to take a great shot, you need to pay a great attention to your subject.