A foreigner can also found a company by getting permission according to the Company Act for establishing a company by investing within Nepal. The required documents are:
Everything mentioned in the above section (1-5) plus:
6. A copy of the permit received from the concerned body to invest within Nepal according the existing rules.
7. In case of Industrial Company with joint investment, a copy of the joint-investment agreement issued and registered by the department of industries.
8. In case of the foreigner being a single person, an attested copy of his passport, and in case of the foreigner being a company (legal body), an attested copy of the company registration certificate and a copy of the decision regarding details of the investment to be made upon the aspiring company by the founder and an attested copy of the passport of the person representing the founder company.
Details: https://www.edunepal.com/company-registration-process-nepal-updated/