Java and Python are two of the most popular programming languages.

Of the two languages, Java is the faster one, but Python is simpler and easier to learn. Each one is well established, platform agnostic, and part of a large supportive community. But that’s where the similarity ends.
When you consider Python and Java, each language has different uses for different purposes, and each has its pros and cons to consider.
What is Java?
Java is a programming language and platform that has been around since 1995. Since its release, it has become one of the most popular languages among web developers and other coding professionals. It is a general-purpose, object-oriented language. Unlike Python, Java is a compiled language, which is one of the reasons it’s your fastest option.
When you program with compiled languages like Java, the coding is converted directly to machine code. That allows the processor to run much faster and more efficiently while giving you more control over hardware aspects such as CPU usage. Other examples of compiled languages include C and C++, Rust, Go, and Haskell.
Java is widely used in web development, big data, and Android app development. It has also been gaining traction when used in cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) development.
Java is also useful for working on microservices and enterprise-grade web applications. A variety of organizations use Java to build their web applications, including healthcare, education, insurance, and even government departments. Some of the big names using Java today include NASA, Google, and Facebook.
What is Python?
Python has been around since 1991, when it was first released. The programming language was designed by Guido van Rossum with a design philosophy focused on code readability.
One of the driving forces behind Python is its simplicity and the ease with which many programmers can learn the language. It is an interpreted language, which means that the program is executed through interpreters line by line for the execution of each command.
Learning the language and testing programs is faster and easier in Python compared to Java, mainly due to its more concise syntax. As you enter lines, you enter them directly into the terminal instead of having to compile the entire program before running it. Other examples of interpreted languages include Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript.
Python allows developers to employ a variety of programming styles while creating programs. Because it’s so flexible, you can use it, not only for object-oriented programming, but also for functional and reflective programming.
It is popular among programmers for back-end development and application development. It’s also the best choice for those working in data science and machine learning, mainly due to its extensive libraries, including Scikit-learn and Pandas.
It’s the programming language used to develop many of the leading digital platforms and tools we use today, including Google Search, iRobot machines, and YouTube.